Q: What is Snug Harbor Lakes and Village A: Snug Harbor Lakes is a condominium community. Snug Harbor Village is a HOA community.
Q: How does the condominium concept work? A: A condominium is a "fee ownership" of a unit of space, plus an undivided interest in common areas owned jointly with other Condominium owners in the community. At Snug Harbor Lakes, and Village an owner completely owns their own lot. Additionally, the owner receives an undivided interest in the recreation facilities, building and common land area.
Q: What is the SNUG HARBOR MASTER ASSOCIATION, INC.? A: The SNUG HARBOR MASTER ASSOCIATION has five (5) members: the Snug Harbor Village Homeowners Association (2) and the Snug Harbor Lakes Condominium Association (3). The Snug Harbor Master Association is in charge of the recreational facilities as well as other amenities in Snug Harbor.
Q: What is the monthly fee? A: The monthly fee as of January 1, 2024 is $50.00, per single lot. The Master Board Association determines the monthly fee based on the adopted budget for each calendar year. The fee includes the Condominium contribution to the Snug Harbor Master Association. The monthly fee for the Village is $52.81.
Q: What is included in the Recreational Facilities and amenities of SNUG HARBOR? A: Our beautiful 8,500 square foot clubhouse is fully furnished and equipped. It includes a function room, kitchen, card/craft room, poolroom and exercise room. As well as a library and rest rooms with showers. The Association Office is also located in this building. We have a full-size pool with spa and pickle courts, shuffleboard and bocce courts as well as a horseshoe area. There are two lakes located on the property which offer catch and release fishing only from shore.
Q: May we rent/lease our home? A: Yes, you may rent/lease your home for a minimum of 90 consecutive days. The Condominium Association, following an interview of the prospective individual(s) who want to rent/lease, must approve all rental/leases with a processing fee of $75.00. Applications for approval of renters is location on the Forms Page.
Q: Are there any rules or fees associated with the resale of a Condominium unit? A: Yes, the Condominium Association will interview the prospective buyer(s). All buyers must be approved by the Condominium Association. There is a processing fee of $75. Resale forms are located in the Forms section.
Q: May we own pets? A: Yes, two (2) pets are allowed per unit. This can be two (2) dogs, two (2) cats or one (1) of each. Dogs may not weigh more than twenty (20) pounds. Dogs and cats must be on a leash when outside the home. Renters, guests and visitors must also comply with the same guidelines as residents. The Village has no restrictions on pets.
Q: May we have an RV, trailer or boat in Snug Harbor? A: There is a storage area available to all Snug Harbor homeowners and renters as RVs, boats, etc. are not allowed to be stored at the residence. The current storage fee is $39.59 per month, paid quarterly at $118.77, which includes a sales tax paid to the state monthly.
Q: Where is Snug Harbor Lakes located? A: Snug Harbor Lakes is located in Micco, FL, off Barefoot Blvd. which is off U.S. 1. It is south of Palm Bay, FL and just north of Sebastian, FL.
Q: What is the best source of information regarding the Laws, Rules and Regulations which govern this condominium? A: There are the State of Florida Statues (Chapter 718), the Snug Harbor Lakes Condominium Documents and the Master Board Documents which all apply to living in Snug Harbor Lakes. All of these documents, including The Snug Harbor Village HOA Documents, are available for review at the Office and the Snug Harbor website in the Documents section and on the State of Florida website. Q: Do I need approval to make changes to the exterior of my property? A: It is the responsibility of the owner to maintain their unit and property as per our documents. The unit owner must request approval in writing from the Architectural Review Committee (ARC) for anything they propose to do to the exterior of their property. ARC forms are available on this website in the forms section.
Q: Can I enclose any portion of my property? A: No walls or fences shall be constructed for the purpose of enclosing any part of the lot.
Q: Can children reside or visit my home? A: No owner shall permit any person under the age of eighteen (18) years old to reside permanently in the home. Children under the age of eighteen (18) may visit and temporarily reside in the home for a period not to exceed thirty (30) days in a twelve (12) month period.
Q: Are yard sales permitted? A: Not in the Lakes Section, only Moving Sales are allowed and only for a period of two days. They are allowed in the Village Section as the roads are owned by Brevard County and such restrictions cannot be made on their use.
Q: Who oversees the recreational facilities? A: While these facilities belong to the property owners of the Village and the Lakes, the Snug Harbor Master Board oversees these facilities. The Master Board is made up of members of both the Village and the Lakes.
Q: How are residents identified at the recreational facilities? A: Property owners receive grey key FOBs. Owners may obtain MULTI-COLORED tags in the Snug Harbor office for their guests using the facilities. Renters receive a key FOB. Guest passes do require a $5 refundable deposit for each tag, and may be picked up at the Office.
Q: Can I park a boat, RV, trailer, etc. on my property? A: These types of vehicles may only be parked on the resident's driveway for a period of 24 hours.
Q: Can an automobile be parked on the street overnight? A: No, due to the narrowness of our roads, automobiles cannot be left on the street overnight. If a resident has a guest, and there is not room in the driveway, a pass to park in the Clubhouse parking lot can be obtained from the office.
Q: What are the rules regarding the use of the roads in the Snug Harbor Lakes Section? A: The Master Board has adopted the following rules regarding the use of our roads. The posted speed limit is 15 miles per hour. A motorized vehicle means electric or gas operated. The following vehicles and modes of transportation are prohibited in Snug Harbor Lakes: ATVs, children's motorized vehicles, roller blades, skateboards and motorized scooters (except when used by handicapped persons). The following motorized vehicles are allowed in Snug Harbor Lakes: Golf carts operated by adults with a valid driver's license (any restrictions imposed by the licensing authority apply) and motorized bicycles (Prohibited by anyone other than the owner or renter). Improper or reckless use of any vehicle on the Snug Harbor Lakes Roads may result in action being taken to restrict use of the roads by the offending individual(s).